Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (2024)

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  • Wyll Overview

  • Best Warlock Build For Wyll

  • Best Multiclass Build For Wyll

Companions are a core part of any Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough. Each character has a unique backstory, questline, and skill set that can prove invaluable in the right situation. For parties that need a good spellcaster for multiple encounters, you can't go wrong with Wyll.

Related: Baldur's Gate 3: Guide To Companions

The Blade of the Frontiers is a Warlock that has access to some incredible spells, ranging from the high-damage Eldritch Blast cantrip to higher-tier spells like Circle of Death. Wyll is a decent companion on their own, but with the right build and multiclass synergies, this character can carry your party to victory with a myriad of utility effects and high-damage spells. This guide will showcase two ways to make the Blade of the Frontiers one of Baldur's Gate 3's strongest companions.

Wyll Overview

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (1)




Starting Class



Folk Hero


Arcane, Animal Handling, Survival, Intimidation, Persuasion

Ability Scores













Wyll is the Blade of the Frontiers, fighting the wicked through his trusty rapier and hellish magic. In terms of gameplay, Wyll is a spellblade that can focus on either role. Warlocks in Baldur's Gate 3 tend to deal most of their damage through Eldritch Blast, a Cantrip that fires a powerful beam of energy. Through class augments, you can make Eldritch Blast a powerhouse of a Cantrip that competes with most leveled spells, making Wyll a great blaster character.

But if you prefer to get up close, Wyll can take the Pact of the Blade feature to use his Charisma modifier for melee attacks. This makes it easy to scale your melee damage without compromising on your spellcasting ability, perfect for players looking to make a gish build. That said, Wyll's ability scores are mediocre and should be respecced if you're interested in min-maxing. Reducing Wyll's Intelligence to increase his Dexterity is recommended, especially if you plan to make Wyll a ranged caster that doesn't wear armor.

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Best Warlock Build For Wyll



  • Great damage
  • Good utility
  • Restores spell charges on short rest
  • Limited spell slots
  • Small spell list

This build invests all 12 levels into Fiend Warlock to make Wyll an ideal spellcaster and melee hybrid. We take Pact of the Blade, Devil's Sight, and the Darkness spell to let Wyll fight enemies in melee combat in the shroud of magical darkness. And for situations where you can't get up close and personal, use your Eldritch Blast ability to chunk an enemy's health bar. Certain Eldritch Invocations will also buff Eldritch Blast to push targets, allowing you to push enemies away from you, off ledges, or fling them off the map.

As great as this sounds, you're a jack-of-all-trades. Wyll won't have the best AC or damage to compete with dedicated martials, and your spell slots and overall spell options will be far more limited than a Sorcerer or Wizard. If you can deal with those downsides, this is a great build for those new to spellcasting classes in Baldur's Gate 3 or in general. You'll also restore all of your spell slots every Short Rest, so you'll be able to frequently use your spells to gain the upper hand in combat.

Leveling The Build

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (3)

Warlock Levels


Class Features


Level 1

  • +2 Cantrips
  • +2 Spells
  • Unlocks Subclass
    • Pick The Fiend
  • Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)
  • Mage Hand (Cantrip)
  • Hex (Level 1)
  • Armor Of Agathys (Level 1)

Level 2

  • +1 Spell Slot
  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks 2 Eldritch Invocations
    • Take Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast
  • Arms Of Hadar (Level 1)

Level 3

  • +1 Spell
  • Spell slots are now level 2
  • Unlocks a Pact
    • Choose Pact of the Blade
  • Hold Person (Level 2)

Level 4

  • +1 Cantrip
  • +1 Spell
  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat
    • +1 Charisma and Dexterity
  • Friends (Cantrip)
  • Shatter (Level 2)

Level 5

  • +1 Spell
  • Spell slots are now level 3
  • Extra Attack (Pact of the Blade)
  • Unlocks 1 Eldritch Invocation
    • Take Armor of the Shadows
  • Counterspell (Level 3)
  • Replace Shatter -> Fireball (Level 3)

Level 6

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Dark One's Own Luck
  • Misty Step (Level 2)

Level 7

  • +1 Spell
  • Spell slots are now level 4
  • Unlocks 1 Eldritch Invocation
    • Take Devil's Sight
  • Darkness (Level 2)

Level 8

  • +1 Spell
  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat
    • +2 Charisma
  • Mirror Image (Level 2)

Level 9

  • +1 Spell
  • Spell slots are now level 5
  • Unlocks 1 Eldritch Invocation
    • Take Otherwordly Leap
  • Hold Monster (Level 5)

Level 10

  • +1 Cantrip
  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Fiendish Resilience
  • Blade Ward (Cantrip)
  • Flame Strike (Level 5)

Level 11

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Mystic Arcanum
  • Remove Curse (Level 3)
  • Circle Of Death (Level 6, Mystic Arcanum)

Level 12

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks 1 Eldritch Invocation
    • Take any
  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat
    • War Caster or +2 Dex
  • Take any spell

We'll be using Wyll's default ability scores for this build, but we do recommend increasing his Dexterity stat if you don't plan on using Hag's Hair on Wyll in your playthrough. During the first Act, find a better one-handed weapon, shield, and light armor. We want to scale Wyll's Armor Class as much as possible if he's going to fight in melee combat. At second level, you'll gain access to Eldritch Invocations. Take Agonizing and Repelling Blast. Agonizing will cause each beam of Eldritch Blast to add your Charisma modifier to its damage, and Repelling will let you push targets hit by each beam.

Using Medium Armor As Wyll

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (4)

If you want to use medium armor on Wyll, take the Medium Armor Proficiency feat at level four. This will let you use Adamantine Scale Mail to greatly increase Wyll's AC during the first two Acts. If you'd rather use Wyll as a dedicated caster, ignore this feat.

For spellcasting, you'll want to get your hands on the Potent Robes in Act 2 as soon as possible. You'll receive these robes after assisting the Tieflings in Act 1 and speaking with Alfira in Act 2. While equipped, your Cantrips will add your Charisma modifier to their damage. This double-dips with Agonizing Blast, allowing you to deal a whopping +10 damage per Eldritch Blast beam. At level 10, you'll fire three beams, so this is a free +30 damage—outscaling most spells and your martial prowess. Work on increasing your Charisma, spell damage, and AC to turn Wyll into a powerful spellcaster in the endgame.

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Best Spells

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (5)

Eldritch Blast is so powerful that we can forgo most damage spells in our spell list. With 20 Charisma and the Potent Robes equipped, Eldritch Blast can kill most enemies in Baldur's Gate 3 with little issue. WIth that said, we recommend grabbing AoE spells and utility effects. Some noteworthy spells for all spellcaster builds include Fireball for some beefy AoE damage, Counterspell to hard-countering spellcasters—enemies you'll face frequently in the second half of the game—and Hold Person/Monster to gain automatic critical hits with melee attacks against the target.

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Recommended Items

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (6)

The items recommended are for an endgame character in Act 3. No items listed below are required for the build to function.



Hood Of The Weave

+2 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC.

Cloak Of The Weave

+1 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC.



Potent Robe

10 AC Clothing. Add your Charisma modifier to Cantrip damage. At the start of every turn, gain temporary HP equal to your Charisma modifier.

The Spectator's Eyes

Cast Ray of Fear and Wounding Ray for free once per Long Rest.


Ring #1

Gemini Gloves

Cantrips can target an additional person. May be used once per short rest.

Ring Of Blink

Cast Blink once per Long Rest.


Ring #2

Disintegrating Night Walkers

Can’t be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can’t slip on grease or ice. Grants Misty Step.

Ring Of Mind-Shielding

You have Advantage against being Charmed.

Main-Hand Weapon

Off-Hand Weapon

Infernal Rapier

+2 Rapier. Gain +1 to spell save DC. Uses your spellcasting modifier over Dexterity for attack rolls.

Sentinel Shield

+2 AC. Grants +3 initiative and Advantage to Perception checks.

Focus on increasing your AC during the first Act, as most good Warlock items are found in the later two Acts. Adamantine Scale Mail is a great option if you grab the Medium Armor Proficiency feat, or you can use any +1 light armor you find.

In Act 2, get the Potent Robes as soon as possible. This lets your Eldritch Blast benefit from your Charisma modifier for its damage, double-dipping with Agonizing Blast for a whopping +10 damage at 20 Charisma. This makes Eldritch Blast your strongest ranged DPS option besides leveled spells. Use any items that increase your AC, spell attack modifier, or grant free ability casts to help make up for the Warlock's limited spell slots.

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Related: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Astarion

Best Multiclass Build For Wyll

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (7)



  • Excellent DPS
  • S-tier utility
  • Access to Metamagic
  • Delayed spell progression while leveling
  • Requires frequent Long Rests

Warlocks have access to powerful Eldritch Invocations and the incredible Eldritch Blast Cantrip, yet their later levels don't provide as many build-enabling effects. That is why this build multiclasses as a Sorcerer. This build is a 2/10 split between Warlock and Sorcerer, taking the best aspects of both classes and melding them into an unstoppable caster.

The first two levels of Warlock allow us to take Agonizing and Repelling Blast for Eldritch Blast, giving us a powerful ranged spell that doesn't cost any spell slots. This alone will shred through most enemies, but to further assist our team, we'll be using the Sorcerer's Metamagic mechanic to provide unparalleled utility. Buff two allies with Haste, cast Eldritch Blast three times in a single turn, or hold your enemies in place as your martial party members land non-stop critical hits. Known as the "Sorlock" in D&D 5E, this build can do just about everything.

Leveling The Build

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (8)

Ability Score Respec

We recommend respeccing Wyll's ability scores for this build. Reduce his Intelligence and Charisma scores to increase his Dexterity and Charisma to 16. Leave Charisma at 17 if you plan on using Hag's Hair on Wyll during your playthrough.

Warlock Levels


Class Features


Level 1

  • +2 Cantrips
  • +2 Spells
  • Unlocks Subclass
    • Pick The Fiend
  • Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)
  • Blade Ward (Cantrip)
  • Hex (Level 1)
  • Armor Of Agathys (Level 1)

Level 2

  • +1 Spell Slot
  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks 2 Eldritch Invocations
    • Take Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast
  • Arms Of Hadar (Level 1)

Sorcerer Levels

Level 3

  • +4 Cantrips
  • +2 Spells
  • Multiclass into Sorcerer
  • Unlocks Subclass
    • Choose Draconic (Any Ancestry)
  • Mage Hand (Cantrip)
  • Light (Cantrip)
  • Friends (Cantrip)
  • Ray Of Frost (Cantrip)
  • Magic Missile (Level 1)
  • Shield (Level 1)

Level 4

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Metamagic
    • Choose Twinned and Distant
  • Burning Hands (Level 1)

Level 5

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Metamagic
    • Choose Quickened
  • Hold Person (Level 2)
  • Replace Burning Hands -> Misty Step (Level 2)

Level 6

  • +1 Cantrip
  • +1 Spell
  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat
    • +2 Charisma
  • Minor Illusion (Cantrip)
  • Mirror Image (Level 2)

Level 7

  • +1 Spell
  • Haste (Level 3)
  • Replace Mirror Image -> Fireball (Level 3)

Level 8

  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Elemental Affinity: Damage and Resistance
  • Counterspell (Level 3)

Level 9

  • +1 Spell
  • Ice Storm (Level 4)

Level 10

  • +1 Spell
  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat
    • +2 Charisma
  • Greater Invisibility (Level 4)

Level 11

  • +1 Spell
  • Hold Monster (Level 5)

Level 12

  • +1 Cantrip
  • +1 Spell
  • Unlocks Metamagic
    • Choose Heightened
  • Fire Bolt (Cantrip)
  • Mirror Image (Level 2)

We start with two levels in Warlock to gain access to Eldritch Blast and its two augments, Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast. This makes Eldritch Blast scale off Wyll's Charisma modifier and allows each beam to push enemies back. Eldritch Blast fires more beams as your character level increases, increasing up to three beams per cast at level ten. This will act as your main damage source for your entire playthrough.

But unlike the Warlock, a Sorcerer multiclass allows you to control the battlefield with powerful buffs and debuffs. You can use Twinned Metamagic to buff two allies with Haste in a single cast, including yourself and an ally. This is easily the strongest group buff in the game and should be used whenever possible. It's available at level seven, somewhat late for a caster, but the added target more than makes up for this. You can also use Quickened Metamagic on Eldritch Blast starting at level seven. The last five levels are taken for more spell slots and Sorcery Points.

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Best Spells

Similar to the Warlock-only build, this setup biases utility spells over raw DPS options. Eldritch Blast will deal the bulk of this build's damage since it aggressively scales with Charisma and character levels. For buffs, Haste is arguably the best utility spell in the game, doubly so for Sorcerers thanks to Twinned Metamagic. Hold Person and Hold Monster are also ideal for debuffing tough bosses, giving your melee characters like Lae'zel free critical hits when striking the target. We also take Counterspell to counter enemy spellcasters, a common sight in Act 3.

While Eldritch Blast is amazing at dishing out pain, it's not ideal against crowds. We do take a few AoE spells in this build to help Wyll's damage against crowds, grabbing Fireball and Ice Storm in moments where the party gets surrounded. If either spell needs to deal more damage, use a higher-level spell slot to upcast it. This build is more reliant on Long Rests than a typical Warlock configuration, but the added utility of Metamagic should not be underestimated.

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Recommended Items

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (9)

The items recommended are for an endgame character in Act 3. No items listed below are required for the build to function.



Hood Of The Weave

+2 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC.

Cloak Of The Weave

+1 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC.



Potent Robe

10 AC Clothing. Add your Charisma modifier to Cantrip damage. At the start of every turn, gain temporary HP equal to your Charisma modifier.

The Spectator's Eyes

Cast Ray of Fear and Wounding Ray for free once per Long Rest.


Ring #1

Gemini Gloves

Cantrips can target an additional person. May be used once per short rest.

Ring Of Blink

Cast Blink once per Long Rest.


Ring #2

Disintegrating Night Walkers

Can’t be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can’t slip on grease or ice. Grants Misty Step.

Ring Of Mind-Shielding

You have Advantage against being Charmed.

Main-Hand Weapon

Off-Hand Weapon

Infernal Rapier

+2 Rapier. Gain +1 to spell save DC. Uses your spellcasting modifier over Dexterity for attack rolls.

Sentinel Shield

+2 AC. Grants +3 initiative and Advantage to Perception checks.

Our gear recommendations remain the same for this build. The Potent Robes in Act 2 are best-in-slot for Warlocks since it buffs each beam of Eldritch Blast and stacks with Agonizing Blast. The rest of your items should scale your spell attack rolls or add additional spells for Wyll to cast.

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Next: Baldur's Gate 3 — Best Builds For Each Class

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Builds For Wyll (2024)
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