The Loud House Episode Epilogues (2024)

A/N: Alright, here's some context: So something that my friend, MrAnimatedToon, and I used to love doing were making up our versions of extended endings of selected The Loud House episodes, whether we thought they were average or in need of fixing up. Since I haven't made a blog post in a while, and I want to try to make something more experimental, I thought I could present you guys with what the two of us have made as of now (with MrAnimatedToon's permission of course). Also, don't expect this to be a common thing on my blog. This is just a one-time thing I feel like doing.So without further ado, here we go!

Use the table of contents to select an episode that interests you.


  • 1 Picture Perfect
  • 2 Snow Bored
  • 3 Making the Grade
  • 4 Fool Me Twice
  • 5 No Such Luck
  • 6 Brawl in the Family
  • 7 The Green House
  • 8 In Tents Debate
  • 9 The Waiting Game
  • 10 Sound of Silence

Picture Perfect[]

[The kids are sitting in the family room]

Lola: Ahh... look at that picture up there! So perfect!

Lynn: Man. I never realized how fitting it is over our family's fireplace.

Leni: Yeah! All of us just being ourselves. And we look so happy!

Lana: Yeah! All of us except for... Lincoln.

Leni: Woah! You're right. Lincoln is unhappy. Look at him.

Lori: Well, maybe Lincoln shouldn't have been such a grump during our photo.

Lucy: Yeah. I don't see what the problem is. We were just being ourselves.

Lincoln:[irked]Well, maybe it's because that "grump" just wanted everyone to stand still for a few measly seconds. Maybe he just wanted to give Mom and Dad a proper, different gift for once when they hated his ones, on top of everyone making rather rude remarks about his mugs! Or maybe, just maybe, it's because no one takes him seriously when all he wants is something so small!

[The sisters freeze after Lincoln's outburst]

Lynn: Woah... Lincoln, where did that come from?

Lincoln: I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you guys like that. It's just- I just wanted- You guys were saying- And then- I mean the picture is looks great and all but-... I need sometime by myself.(walks upstairs)

Lana: What was that all about?

Luna (concerned): I guess he got offended by what we said about him.

Lori: Well, he has no right to be mad! All we did was giving him some constructive criticism and he then wanted to change who we were.

[The others agree with her, but then Luan thought for a moment.]

Luan: Well... did he? He did say he was just trying to make a nice picture.

Lana: No one tells me when I can't roll in mud if I want to!

Leni: Not even for a few seconds?

Lola: Why bother? A family photo is like nothing. Besides, it's not like any of Lincoln's other "gifts" were any better. Those mugs? Yuck!

Luan: Lola! I thinkthisis partially why Lincoln is upset. We take our gifts very seriously, but we don't take Lincoln's seriously, and when he wants our help, we just make things worse.

Lola: Well that's different cause-[Lola pauses]Because- You see- Lincoln's just-...[defeated sigh]You're right.

Lisa: I suppose we were a bit uncooperative with him, on top of being disrespectful to his intentions.

Lori: Yeah. Also, now that I think of it, it's not like Lincoln made those mugs because he hates Mom and Dad or anything. He just wants them to be happy. That's also why he tried to do with this photo for them.(guiltily)And here I was calling him a grump...

Lynn: You also said he crushes Mom and Dad's souls every year, and called him pathetic.

Leni (angry): Yeah, like, what gives?!

Lori: I did?! I literally don't even remember saying such a thing!

Leni: Well, you did. I guess you were too busy insulting Lincoln to even realize it.

Lori:(sadly)I feel awful!

Luna:(to Lori)Don't be so hard on yourself.(to Leni)And you don't go throwing your sis under the bus! We all had a part to play in it.

Lucy: We all said “we know” when Lincoln mentioned he could hear us.

[The sisters agree in unison]

Lily: Poo poo!

Lori: Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Our parents' anniversary was yesterday.

Lisa: I have a simple, quick solution. It's true that the day this picture was intended for is over with, but nonetheless, it should at least bring our brother's spirits up.(brings out camera)You thinking what I'm thinking?

[The sisters nod.'Lincoln is sadly sitting in his room in complete silence, reflecting on what he said to his sisters. Just then, he hears a rock hit on his window. He goes over to look out the window and sees the sisters gathered in the backyard.]

Lynn: Yo, Linc! Come down! We need something from you!

Lincoln (confused): Uhh, what's going on?

Lori: Come down here and we'll tell you everything!

[Lincoln decides to do what they said and goes downstairs. Soon he goes to the backyard and sees his Dad's old camera standing at the left side.]

Lincoln: What's the camera doing here?

Lisa: We're doing a retake of the family photo.

Lincoln: What?! Why?

Lori: Well, after what you said before you left, we thought of what we did to you yesterday, and we felt bad for it.

Luan: So to make it up to you, we're retaking the family photo.

Lincoln (sadly): You guys don't have to do this. I don't want you to change who you are just for a stupid picture.

Luna: No, you don't. You just wanted us to hold still for the photo, but we were too stupid and selfish to do that for you.

Lincoln: Well, to be fair, I should have worded what I said better. Are you sure you want to do this?

Lori: For you, Linc, anything.

Lincoln: Wow. Thank you guys. You really are th best family in the world!

Lori: Everyone say cheese!

All: Cheese!

[The camera flashes and the new picture of the family is hung on the wall.'After the photo is taken...]

Lincoln: Thanks you guys! So now what?

Lori: Whatever you want to do with it.

Leni: We wanted to give it toyou.

Lincoln: For me? Why?

Lana: Because your our brother. And you mean the world to us.

Lori: Thanks for everything you do for this family.

Sisters: Yeah!

Lincoln: You guys are awesome! Wow!... I'm sorry I yelled before.

Luan: That's alright. Enjoy your picture!

[Lincoln goes to his room, and decides to frame it into his door. The parents come and talk with the girls.]

Lynn Sr.: I'm so proud of what you guys did for your brother.

Rita: Thank you girls! I think you really cheered Lincoln up! And this time everyone is happy in the picture. It always put me off how Lincoln looked so upset in the last one.

Lynn Sr.: I thought I was the only one!

Leni: It's the least we could do.

[Then, Lincoln comes downstairs.]

Rita: Lincoln! We loved the new picture you made.

Lincoln (happy): Thanks, but it was the girls who came up with the idea. (now irked) Now tell me, what did you guys do with my coffee mugs?

Rita:(nervously)Uhhh... honey? Do you remember where they wenr?

Lynn Sr.:(nervously)I can't remember honey...

[Lincoln pulls out the box with the coffee mugs and shows it to them.]

Lynn Sr.: (even more nervous): Ooohhh... those coffee mugs...

Rita: Honey! What are those doing in there?

Lynn Sr.: I haven't got the slightest clue! It's like they walked in their by themselves!

[Both parents nervously sweat]

[Then, they looked at Lincoln, who had an even more irked expression on his face.]

Rita:(nervously)In fact, weve been looking all arpund for these babies for a while. Havent we?

Lynn Sr.: Oh yes! We definitely have been!(Grabs box from Lincoln]We'll just take this box and celebrate in our room that we found these precious mugs!

[The parents run off to their room.Lincoln and his sisters only facepalm in annoyance.]

Snow Bored[]

[It's soon to be yet another snow day in Royal Woods. However, the kids were not excited one bit.]

Lucy:Oh, spirit in the sky. End this madness.

Lori:[fingers crossed]Please, please. No more snow!

Weatherman: It's looking pretty chilly tonight, especially if you live in Royal Woods. Expect a great snow fall for the entire week!

Loud Siblings: NO!!!

Lisa: Oh yes...

[Smiles smugly. This is the exact reaction she wanted.]

Lisa: Greetings, elder siblings.

[The sisters groan]

Luan: Well, this week’s going to be no fun...

Lisa: Would you like me to get the salt?

Lori: Just do it. This winter has been ruined for us anyway...

Lana and Lola: Yeah! No more winter!

Lisa: I'm glad you finally see what a waste of time snow days truly are.

Lincoln: Funny for you to say. You just got through with tormenting us with your snowball fights!

Lynn: Yeah! You acted like a total jerk out there!

Lisa: I needed to teach you a lesson.

Luan: Teach us a lesson? You mean that whole thing was just an act?!

Lisa: I-I mean... no?

Lincoln: Lisa. Explain yourself!

Lisa: (groans) Fine! I pretended to be obsessed with snowball wars so you could start appreciating school more.

[Loud family groans atLisa]

Lori: Are you literally joking me right now?!

Luna: Dude! You just want to tka eaway our fun like that?! What's wrong with you?!

Lisa: It was the only way for you guys to try and stop avoiding school responsibility!

Lincoln: Lisa, we weren't trying to avoid school!

Lori: We just wanted to have some fun on a snow day! Is that such a bad thing?!

Luan: Why do you have to be so cold-hearted?! [Chuckles] Geti it?

Lola: Yeah! School is so frustrating! But you wouldn't know that because you don't have a childhood!

Lisa: I don't because I don't find school frustrating.

Lana: Yeah! Because that’s all you care about!

Lola: No wonder why you don’t have any friends!

Lisa: And What’s wrong with liking education?

Lori: Nothing! But you can’t just force your opinion onto other people!

Lincoln: Yeah! All we want is to have a little fun. You have fun with school. We have fun with snow. What’s the problem?

Luna: But fine! If you really want it, we’ll stop having fun! Does that make you happy?

Lori: (groans)Come on guys, let's get ready for school tomorrow.

[The Loud siblings (sans Lisa) go upstairs, with sour moods.]

Lisa:[awkward expression]This was a lot more satisfyingwhen it played out in my head.

[Later, it shows Lisa clearing the path for school.]

Lisa: Oh dear. This snow is much thicker than I thought it would be. Not to worry, I'm sure it's-

[Machine breaks down]

Lisa: Dang it...

[As she's checking out the engine, three figures appeared behind the young prodigy.]

Lisa: Can I help you?

Kid 1: You’re the brat who made us go to school on a snow day?

Lisa: Well, I wouldn't say brat, but...

Kid 2: You ruined all of my day off plans!

Lisa: Hey! It’s not my fault you want to skip on school-

Kid 3: We just wanted to have some fun on a snow day! Is it really that bad we want a break for ourselves?

Lisa: Well... I-I didn’t thought of-

Kid 2: You like to learn lessons, huh? What if we taught you a lesson?!

Kid 3: Get her!

[Lisa screams and runs away from them.]

Kid 1: Dont let her get away!

Lisa: Help! Help me!

[Suddenly, 10 more figures show up in front of Lisa. They have packed snowballs with them.]

Lincoln: You won't lay a finger on her!

Kid 1: Lincoln? Why are you protecting her?! She made us go to school on a snow day!

Lincoln: She's still my sister! And I won't let anything bad happen to her under my watch!

Lisa: Thank you, dear brother.

Lincoln: Let's show these guys what happens when you mess with the Louds on a snow day!

[The louds start throwing snow to the three hooligans.]

Kid 2: (covering his face) Hey! Stop that!

[Lisa decides to join in on plummeling them with snowballs]

Lisa: Hahahaha!

[All the Loud siblings laugh and throw snowballs together, as the three kids surrender.]

Kid 3: Okay! Okay! We give up! Please stop!

Kid 1: I'm out of here!

Kid 2: I'm telling!

[The kids run off as the Louds cheer]

Lori: And good riddance!

[Then, Lisa becomes sadby all of this.]

Lisa: I’m sorry.

Lori: Oh? Whatever for?

Lisa: For... for ruining snow days...

Lisa: I never realized just how much fun they could actually be. I guess I let my ignorance get the best of me.

Lola: You should've just gave it a shot when we wanted you to.

Lisa: Well... I do now. But I guess it’s too late for me.

Lincoln: [pats Lisa on the shoulder] Lisa... it's never too late to start having fun on a snow day. The day's not over yet.

[Someone throws a snowball at Lisa's face. Lisa cleans her face, and sees Lana whistling nonchalantly.]

Lisa: [squints her eyes]Oh, it is on.

[Soon, all the Louds get themselves into a giant snowball fight, laughing]

Making the Grade[]

[Lincoln walks home after the school was over. Lisa is the only one standing next to him. The other 3 younger Louds (Lola, Lana, and Lucy) are away from Lincoln, making him feel guilty]

Lincoln: You guys don’t have to stay mad at me. Lisa is back to her real self now.

Lucy: But we're still a bit miffed of what you did.

Lana: We're glad you're sorry but-

Lola: You still got us into loads of trouble..

[Lisa stares blankly]

Lincoln: I didn’t even want to change her for real! I only asked her to act differently at school!

[Lisa’s eyes widened]

Lisa: H- He's right.

[Everyone turned to Lisa]

Lola: What?!

Lisa: Lincoln asked me to act differently when the classroom went against him because of me and... I guess I took his advice too far.

Lola: So... Lincoln didn’t show you “the wonders of being average” after all?

Lana: You were just pinning the blame to him?!

Lisa: I- I- I-... I thought it was how being cool worked at the time.

Lola: Or maybe you wanted to put us all against Linky so you could come out unscathed!

Lisa: I-... I don't know what to say to that.

Lucy: Well, I bet the others willlovehearing about this.

[Later, the other Louds hear about this and they all jeer Lisa]

Lori: What is wrong with you?!

Lisa: Well, I thought that's what Lincoln wanted.

Lincoln: What I wanted?!

Lincoln: What I wanted was for you to stop acting like a rocket scientist and start acting like a kid your age! And even then I only said thatat school, not everywhere!

Lisa: Well... I guess I just got so used to "being cool" so much, I took it everywhere.

Luna: But why couldn’t you help us? You know we need you!

Lisa: I know but... I kind of liked being cool...

Lori: At the cost of helping us?!

Lisa:[blankly stares; sadly]I- I'm sorry. I have no reason to justify my actions.

Lincoln: (sighs) Well, to be fair, if I hadn’t made the suggestion, none of this would have happened.

Leni: We’re sorry for what we did to you Linky.

Lori: Yeah, sorry 'bout all that.

The others:(hugging Lincoln)Sorry/Yeah/It wasn't your fault/Our bad

Lori: And as for you, Lisa.

[Lisa looks down in shame]

Leni: You were really mean for bending the truth like that!

Lisa: I wasn’t bending the truth... I was just... thanking him.

Everyone: What?!

Lisa: He showed me what it was like to let go of my science passion, and just lay it cool and-[Lisa tries to finish her justification, but knowing she lost the battle, she just sighs]

Lisa: But I guess you guys hate me now. Considering I made you throw him out of the car for making you lose a radio contest.

[Lori and Lola rub their arms nervously]

Lori: Yeah... We'rereallysorry about that, Lincoln.

Lola: I honestly don't know how we can make up for that...

Lincoln: It’s alright. And Lisa...

[Lisa looks down in shame again, but The is surprised when Lincoln gives her a hug.]

Lisa: W- What is the reason for this action ofaffection?

Lincoln: To show that I forgive you.

Lisa: Y- You do?

The other sisters: You do?!

Lincoln: Yes. She seems sorry about what she did. Besides, I can forgive all the things you did to me before.


Lincoln: Yes, Lori. Even kicking me out of the car.

Lisa: Thank you... Let's just move on from the past. Can we?

Lincoln: You know? Let's not.

Lisa: What are you talking about?

Lincoln: We need to learn from this. Just like we learned from all those other times.

Lisa: Wise advice, Lincoln.

Lincoln: And besides, (under breath) it's not your fault mom and dad are practically useless without you.

Lisa:[chuckles]Very true, Lincoln.

??: You know we heard that, right?

[The kids turn to see their parents tanding right next to them]

Lincoln: Uh... I didn't mean that...

Lisa: Although, he does have a point there.

Rita:[sighs]He's right. Maybe we should try doing things on our own instead of depending it all on one kid.

Lori: And we're sorry for using you too, Lis.

Lisa: It's alright everyone. We all learn from mistakes.

Lynn Sr.: Hey, since we got our real Lisa back, what do you say if we go eat somewhere?

Lincoln: Like where?

Lisa: I... happen to know a place that might satisfy our tastebuds...

Siblings (sans Lisa): You mean...?

Lisa: Burpin' Burgers...

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Fool Me Twice[]

[Luan is still running after the truck]

Luan: Wait! Stop! Come back!

[The Loud family watches her with smiles on their faces]

Leni: So... did wereallymove Luan's furniture in that truck?

Lynn Sr.: Pfft. Of course we didn't! It's all part of our prank!

Leni: Oh.

Rita: She's gonna be chasing that truckallday. Serves her right.

Lynn Sr.: Now, our big concern is what are we going to do about our doubles.

Lynn: Yeah! I'd like to give those traitors a piece of my mind!

[The Louds Doubles were somewhere, gloating about their actions.]

Lincoln's Double: Man, I can't believe we just did that! That was hysterical!

Lori’s Double: Yeah, I can’t believe that braceface paid us to humiliate her family.

Lynn Sr.'s Double: And I thought being the master of stunts would be fun![laughs]What suckers! This is a lot better!

Lynn's Double: I don't know. Don't you think we went a little too far?

Leni's Double: Oh please. It was just a harmless prank. What can they do about it?

Lola's Double: Arrest us? Ha!

Luna’s Double: Let’s look for brace-face and ask her for our price.

[The doubles walk out and see the police surrounding them]

Lynn Sr’s Double: Uhh, what’s the problem officer?

Officer: Ill tell ya what? Youre under arrest for impersonation!

The Doubles: WHAT?!

Lynn Sr’s Double: B-but Officer! It was just for a prank!

(The people who they embarrassed the Louds in front of find out about this.)

Lynn Sr.: How did you track them down so quickly?

Officer: Your daughter gave us a call.

Lincoln: Daughter?

Rita: Who called?

Lynn Sr.: Did you kids call the police?

LKs: No.

Lincoln: Well the only other person who I know wouldve called her is...

[At that sudden moment, thecomedienne was behind them with tears in her eyes.]

Lynn Sr.: Luan? What are you doing here?...

Luan (depressed): I... discovered my stuff wasn’t on the truck

Lynn: How far did you have to run?

Luan: Out of town... a very long way... my legs still hurt from running so much... ow.

Lola:(angrily)Well it serves you right for embarrassing us publicly!

(Luan is on the verge of tears, when the doubles see her.)

Lynn Sr’s Double: Officer! She’s the one who told us to impersonate the Louds!

Lynn Sr.: What's going on here?

Officer:(to Luan)Is this true?!

Luan: Y... Yes. I did.

Officer: Well, I’m afraid you’re under arrest.

[The Loud Family gasp]

Rita: No! Luan! What are you doing?!

Luan:(sadly)Making up for my actions.(to officers)Alright, sir. Just take me away from my family. They're better of without me anyway.

Lincoln: No! Luan! Don't!

Lola: I- I take back what I said! I don't want you arrested please!

Luan: No. I deserve it... for what I did to you guys...

Lynn Sr.: Sir! You can't do this!

Rita: She's to young to be arrested! Isn't she?!

Officer: I'm sorry, sir, but if she was involved in this, then she must pay for it.

[The Doubles, sans Lynn's,smile smugly.]

Lynn's Double: Wait! It's not all her fault. We agreed to do it with her. We're just as much in the wrong as-

Leni's Double:[shoves Lynn's double]Dude! Are you nuts?! Are you trying to get us in trouble?! You should be ashamed of yourself!

Lynn's Double: But-

Leni's Double: You're justtryingto ruin our lives are you?! Zip it!(to officer)Uh. She's crazy! She doesn't know what she's talking about!

Officer: Let her speak.

Lynn's Double: Please. Don't just arrest her. Arrest us too. We're just as guilty.

Lincoln's Double: Are you kiddin'?! Do you know what prison is like?! I won't be able to survive in there!

Lynn Sr.'s Double: Are youtryingto ruin my reputation?!

Rita's Double: You can't arrest me! We were forced to! We're thevictims!

Lynn's Double: That is a lie! Don't listen to them! We're guilty!

Luan: She’s right.

[Everyone turned to Luan.]

Luan: I paid them so they could impersonate my family and make them do stuff my family hates. It was supposed to be a prank, but it backfired horribly on me. (Looks down)

???: So that’s why they acted so strangely today?

[Everyone turns to see where the voice came from. It was Sam, and a whole lot of the Louds’ friends.]

Luna: Sam!?[blushes]Uh- Uh- what are you doing here?

Sam: Your sister Luan called me. She told me, and apparently other people, that she had something to explain.

Ms. Johnson: I thought something strange was going on. There is no way Lincolns skin is that wrinkly.

Lincolns double: Hey!

Kotaro: Or that Lynn would get a question about british culture wrong. He's passionate about it!

Leni's Friend: Or that Leni would wear a perm.

Lindsey: Or that Lola Loud would give anyone one of her pageant crowns!

Sam: And there's no way my Luna would play Polka.

Lola: Wow. Lindsay. I didnt know you cared.

Lindsey: I care when someone who's lookslike my arch-nemesis gives me a false sense of superiority.

Luan: I want to apologi-

[Funny scratch record sound]

Luan (to Sam): Did you just say "my Luna?"

Sam: Yeah. Why?

Luna:(blushes)Uh... nothing...(squeals in the inside)

Luan: Okay, what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for what I did. It wasn't right for me to do that to my family. It was cruel, unfunny, and very hypocritical on my part.

Lynn: You mean you were actually sincere with your apology? Wow. That's a first.

[Luan looks down with guilt.]

Officer: If what you say is true, then I guess I have no other choice.

Luan: I'll get in the car now.

Lincoln: What?! NO!!!

Lynn Sr’s Double: Yes, arrest this manipulator, sir.

Officer: You do realize youre coming with me too, right?

Lynn Sr’s Double: Say What now?

Officer: Come on. Theres enoguh room for all of ya'

The Doubles (sans Lynn's): B-B-B-B-BUT-

Officer: Or perhaps you would prefer to have a chat with the people you tried to deceive.

[Everyone glares at the doubles, some cracking their knuckles.]

Lincoln's Double: ... Jail it is then. I'm no fighter.

Rita: Please, don't do this to my daughter! She's only 14!

Officer: Sorry, mam. Impersonation is a crime here in Royal Woods.

Luan: It's okay, mom. I'll be okay.

[The Louds look down in depression.]

Officer: Although, there might be an alternative.

Luan: An alternative?

Rita: What would that be?

Officer: She could go to jail for a few months,ordo a few months of community service.

Luan:(turns to her family)What do you guys think?

Family: Community service!

Rita: She can't go to jail! Just to the community service. It's not that bad really. Take it from me.

Luan: Well, then I choose community service.

Officer: Community service that is.

[The Louds and their friends (and Lindsey) celebrated. While the Doubles (sans Lynn’s) are baffled.)

Lynn Sr’s Double: Come on, really?! How come she gets it off easy but we can’t?!

Officer: Because you're theimpersonators.

The Doubles (sans Lynn’s): Aww, dang it!

Zach: So wait, I didn’t beat the real Lynn?

Lynn: Nope! How does a game of tetherball sound?

Zach: Awesome!

Lynn's Double: I'm sorry I and the others embarassed you.

Lynn Sr.: It's alright. At least you apologized.

Lincoln: What made you realize it was wrong?

Lynn's Double: Well, at first I was up for it, because I thought it was just gonna be a minor thing, because you know, it's april fools. But then the others started to talk about how we embarassed you and how we ruined your lifes. It made me feel horrible about myself. I didn't want to humiliate anyone like that, I thought it was gonna be a little prank. I don't even like sports that much, I prefer painting. [Looks Down.] Anyway, I'm sorry we hurt you like that.

Lynn: Its alright. After all, myrealwinning streak isnt ruined.

Lynn's Double: Glad to hear that. Well, I guess it's off to jail with me. Hopefully my parents will get me out of there somehow.

Lynn Sr.: I certainly hope they do!

[The Officer takes away the doubles.]

Lynn Sr.: Luan? Can we talk to you?

Luan; Sure.

[Luan approaches her family.]

Luan: What is it?

Lynn Sr.: Luan, we just wanted to say... we forgive you for your prank.


Lincoln: After what you went through tonight, I think you deserve it.

Sam: Wait, what's gonna happen now?

Luna: I think... everything just gonna go back to normal.

Luan: Almost everything.

Rita: Hey. If you need help with community service, I know someone who can visit the park to do just that.[winks]

Luan: Thanks, Mom.

(Lincoln talks to the audience next.)

Lincoln: Well, today was an experience. This might just be the most interesting April Fools ever. Plus, Luan just might stop being the evil April Fools tyrant that we know her as every year, but who really knows?

No Such Luck[]

[It starts out at the beach, where everyone is having a good time... all of them, except for Lincoln, who was dying out of heat and couldn't stand being in that squirrel suit.]

Lincoln:[pants]Man! This suit is killing me! I think I might faint in this thing! Sorry, family, but this is something I have to do![runs away to where his family can't find him, and then takes off the head and gasps]Ah! Fresh air! Finally!

Lynn: Lincoln!

[Lincoln flinches in surprise.]

Lincoln (panicking): H-hey, Lynn! I was just t-trying to see if my suit doesn't have any stains on it. I don't want the good luck to worn out because of that.

Lynn: You better hurry! We need this suits luck now with us!

Lincoln: Yeah... yeah...

[Lynn goes to have fun with her family, and Lincoln puts on his mask again, and becomes a little tired and depressed.]

Lincoln: I can’t stay like this much longer [pants]... this squirrel suit [pants]... i-it’s killing me... [He goes to talk to his family, but is felling weaker and more tired] I need to tell the truth... I need... to... I need to...

[He finally collapses from the heat, and passes out.]

Lynn Sr.: Where's Lincoln?!

Lynn: I saw him behind the trees there. He was making sure the suit wasnt stained.

Rita: Well can you get him? It's been a while since he's gone.

Lola: Why though? He's bad luck!

Rita: Hes still my son and your brother.

Lori (groans): I’ll go get him.

[She gets up her seat and goes to check on Lincoln. However, when she made it to the trees, she found her little brother in the ground, unconscious.]

Lori: (gasps horrified): LINCOLN!!!

Lynn Sr and Rita: What happened?!

[The whole family runs to Lincoln, whos laying in the ground]

LKs: Lincoln!

Lynn: What happened to him?!

Lynn Sr.: He feels hot. He must have passed out from the heat!

Rita: We need to take him home ASAP!

[Everyone, sans Lynn, goes running to the van. Lynn only walks to the van slowly and with a sadden look on her face. She felt guilty for what happened to her brother, but her pride won’t let her admit it.]

Lynn (sighs): So much for a day at the beach, huh?

Leni: How can you say that when Lincoln is unconcious!

Lola: This is all your fault!

[Lynn cowers in guilt]

Lori: Zip it, Lola! This was all of our faults! Might I remind you of "You're bad luck, Lincoln! You can't come!"

[Lola remains silent for the rest of the ride.The Louds made it to the house, where they laid Lincoln on the couch, so he could recover. Meanwhile Lynn Sr. and Rita call Albert to tell him what happened.]

Albert: So tell me again, why was he wearing a suit?

Lynn Sr: W-Well... you see...

Rita (sighs in defeat): We made him use that costume to avoid his bad luck. Looking back at it, we didn’t though that through.

[Albert thought for a second, and decided to go.]

Albert: I’ll be on my way.

[The parents hang up the call, and go check on Lincoln.]

Lynn Sr: How is he?

Lori: Hes breathing, but he isnt waking up.

Rita:[cries]I feel awful! What kind of a Mom am I?!

Lynn Sr.:[cries]Its my fault too!

[The rest of the kids start to form tears too.Suddenly, Lincoln slowly wakes up. The family notices this.]

Lynn: Lincoln!

Leni: LINKY!!! [goes to hug him.] Oh my gosh I was so worried abo-

[But when she was about to hug him, Lincoln pushes her off with an angry look on his face. The family’s relief was quickly replaced with concern once Lincoln got off his bed and went to the bathroom.]

Lori (whispering to her mother): I thought you sold his stuff.

Rita (whispering back): It was a joke. But I don’t think he’s on the mood to joke right now.

[Lynn suddenly gets up her seat and stops Lincoln.]

Lynn: Wait! Linc! I wanted to tell you that...

Lincoln: Dont talk to me! I never wanna speak to you again![Walks upstairs]

[Lynn begins to feelbad for what she did at first, but then she remembers that he confessedhe was lying about him being bad luck to get time for himself, and her pride makes her not want to take responsibility. So she runsupstairs to stop Lincoln.]

Lynn: Wait! You can’t put all the blame on me! You were lying about your luck just to not attend to our activities!

Lincoln:(sarcastically)Well, excuse me for wanting some peace and quiet for myswlf when Ive had to give up my life for you guys for so long. Excuse me for being threatened with a baseball bat by my own sister of all people to go to one of her games. And excuse me for being the one accused of bad luck and blamed on for losing the game by that same sister! Gee! I really am a jerk! Arent I?

Lincoln: You know what Lynn?... I... I...

Lynn: What do you have to say, huh?

[Lincoln hesitated to say it, but it only made Lynn more irked.]


[Lincoln finally decides to speak up... but he startsto frown slowly, and the words he decidesto tell Lynn wouldhaunt her for a good time...]

Lincoln: ...I hate you.

[These words leaveLynn dumbfounded and standsstill where she was, while Lincoln goesto the bathroom to clean himself up. After he closes the door, Lynn fallsto her knees, realizing that her superstitions and pride made her brother despise her, and she finally criesto her hands in regret. In the bathroom, Lincoln isat the door. His angry look slowly morphsinto a shocker look, realizing what he just said to her sister. He sitsat the door and puts his face on his knees, realizing what he’s done. The family had heard everything from the living room, and lookat each other in concern, not knowing what to do. An hour passes, and Albert finally made it to the house.]

Albert:(worried)I'm here! I'm here! Where's Lincoln?!

Rita: He's... hes in the bathroom

[Albert went to talk to Lincoln, but then he saw Lynn crying in her room, and decided to talk to her first and then with Lincoln.]

Albert: Hey kiddo.

Lynn (depressed): Hey, Pop-Pop (sniffs). Let me guess... you’re mad at me too?

Albert: I’m not mad. I’m actually more mad at your parents... but Iamdisappointed in you.

[Lynn looks down in shame. Albert sits in her bed to talk about what happened.]

(Albert is gonna be gentle to Lynn about the whole thing.)

Albert: Lynn. Blaming other people for your mistakes isn't right. Whatever happened to the Lynn who was about being a good sport? To her own team or family?

Lynn: I- I just- It was just my superstitions! They got the best of me.

Albert: Kid, if you wanna be a good sport, you have to learn to accept loss like a true player, not go off blaming other people, especially to the point where you kick them out of your life. What's that all about? Do you not realize how messed up that is? You not only need to be a better sport, but also be a better sister. You do love him right?

Lynm: Yes! Of course I do!

Albert: Then stop with this bad luck schtick and show that you do. Ok?

Lynn: ...Y- You think Lincoln will forgive me?

Albert: Ha. If anyone knows Lincoln, it's me, and if theres anything that I know about Lincoln, it's that hes a very forgiving person. What Im trying to say is that I'm sure he will.

Lynn: I think it’s too late for that...

Albert: What makes you think that?

Lynn: He said... he said he hated me.

Albert: I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean that. Would you like me to talk to him?

Lynn: Please.

[Albert goes to talk to Lincoln, who’s already on his room, getting dressed.]

Lincoln (irked): They didn’t sell my stuff, huh? My mom is a freaking liar.

Albert: Hey, there Linc.

[Lincoln turns around and sees Pop-Pop, much to his suprise]

Lincoln: Pop-pop! What are you doing here?!

Albert: I heard about what happened and came as soon as possible to see if you were alright.

Lincoln: Yeah... I fine... I guess.

Albert: Hey kid. Is it alright if I spoke to you about something?.

Lincoln: Sure. I trust you.

Albert: Do you promise you won’t get mad?

Lincoln: I promise.

Albert: Okay (takes a deep breath.) It’s about Lynn-

Lincoln: I shouldn’t have promised.

Albert: Wait. Kid! Listen.

[Lincoln does so]

Albert: Look. Lynn feels really bad about what she did. Shes been crying about it all day. I gave a long talking to to her. She really does feel bad. She wants to be a better sport and sister to you.

Lincoln: Then why hasnt she apologized?

Albert: She doesnt think youd forgive her. You did say you hate her after all.

[Lincolns anger quickly turned into shame]

Lincoln: I didnt mean it! I was just-

Albert: I know. I know you were just angry, and thats alright. Im mad at your parents too right now. Id be mad too if I was in your shoes, but telling your family you hate them isnt gonna solve anything. I think the best thing to do is forgive Lynn. I know she tried to kick you out of your life, but shereallyfeels bad about it. She really means it.

[Lincoln thinks for a second, takes a deep breath, and decides to take his grandfather’s advice.]

Lincoln: I’ll try.

[He comes out of his room, only to find Lynn right in front of the door. She was going to his room to try and apologize to him, but apparently he had a similar idea in mind.]

Lynn (nervously): Hey, Linc.

Lincoln (stoically): Hey.

[The two of them stare at each other in silence for a minute, until Lynn finally speaks up.]

Lynn: I'm sorry for what happened to you. It's all my fault that you nearly died from the heat. If that wasnt bad enough, I kicked you out of my life just because of some dumb superstition, I made everyone else believe me and they all kicked you out too, I blamed you for me losing the game which I made you attend after threatening you. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. I'm sorry that you have to live with me. If it makes you feel better, you can kick me out of your life. I'll understand...

[Lynn was about to cry in her hands again, but then he felt Lincoln hugging her thighter than he’s ever done before.]

Lincoln: I don’t want to kick you out of my life.

Lynn: B-but...

Lincoln: Lynn... I’m so sorry for lying about everything. I should have been more upfront with you guys instead you of lying about my luck. I guess I was so desperate for some spare time I went to those lengths just to get time for myself.

Lynn: Its okay. Do you still hate me?

[Lincoln realized what he said to his sister and regreted it with every inch of his soul.]

Lincoln: L-Lynn, I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it. I... guess I was too mad to think.

Lynn: It's alright. I understand.

[The two release the hug.]

Lynn: Let's promise to never do that to each other ever again.

Lincoln: I promise.

[The two siblings clenched their pinky fingers with each other, and promise to never put their superstitions before their family. The two of them go to talk to Pop-Pop about it.]

Albert: Are you two good?

Lincoln and Lynn: Yeah, we're good.

[The siblings hug their grandfather for a bit.]

Albert: Glad I could help. Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be talking to your parents for a bit.

[Albert goes downstairs. Lynn seems preocupied, much to Lincoln's confusion.]

Lincoln: What's wrong, Lynn?

Lynn: This won't be pretty.

Lincoln: I know. I can just imagine what choice of words Pop-pops gonna use on them.

[As Albert makeshis way downstairs, the Loud parents and the rest of the sisters arewaiting on the couch.]

Lynn Sr. (to Albert): What happened? Are they okay?

Albert (sternly) Yes they're fine... not thanks to you.

Rita: Oh thank goodness... wait... what do you mean?

Albert: I mean that you two have a lot to explain here.

Lynn Sr.: Oh jeez... this is not gonna be easy...

Albert: Why did you two think it was a good idea to do this to your son?!

Lynn Sr.: Because we didn't want to get hurt by his bad luck! What if hereallywas bad luck to us?! We panicked!

Albert: So what if he’s bad luck?! HE’S YOUR SON!!! Are you telling me that you kicked him out of his own house and forced him to wear a costume at a beach just so you could have good luck for yourselves?!

[Both parents were silent at Albert’s outburst. They don’t know what to respond to this.]

Lynn Sr (nervously): I-It sounds worse like you say it.

Rita (guilty): No, it’s just as bad as it sounds...

Albert: You two should be ashamed of yourselves. You're lucky you have such a forgiving son. You havenoidea! None!

[Lynn Sr. and Rita glance at each other]

Lynn Sr.: What kind of monsters are we?![cries]

Albert: I think an apology is an order.

Lynn Sr.: Alright. W- We're sorry.

Albert: Don't you apologize to me!

[Lynn Sr. and Rita glance at each other again]

Albert: I’m disappointed in you two. But especially on you, Rita. I raised you to be better than this.

Rita: I-[Rita wants to apologize to her father, but she knowshe doesn't want an apology from her to him, but rather... to her own son]

Rita: I think we know what to do now, Lynn.

Lynn Sr: Yeah.

[Lynn Sr. and Rita approach Lincoln, who gives an irked look back]

Lincoln: Are you here to kick me out of the house again?

[This statement made his parents, and unintentionally, Lynn cringe.]

Rita: No, Lincoln. We wanted to owe you probably the biggest apology we've ever had to make.

Lynn Sr.: More than that.

Lincoln: Go on...

Rita: Look. We know we've been awful parents to you for kicking you out of the house and making you wear that suit.

Lincoln: How do I know you're apologizing because you mean it and not because Pop-pops made you do so?

Lynn Sr.:[sadly]Well what do you want us to say?! We're awful parents okay?! We kicked our own son out of our lives because we thought he was bad luck when he wasn't even! We didn't even think about how you feel! And now I know that no amount of love is gonna make up for that, so... I don't know what to do to be honest![cries]

[Lincoln felt sad for making his parents cry, but he was still mad they kicked him out of their lives. But then Lynn tries to talk with him.]

Lynn: Linc, I think you should give them a chance.

Lincoln: But, Lynn-

Lynn: It's my fault they believed you were bad luck. Please. Don't hate them because of me.

Lincoln:[sighs]I don't know. they still kicked me out of the house. Imagine what would've happened if I didn't come out and say I was lying. They would've made me live on the streets for all I know!

Lynn: Please, Lincoln! It’s still my fault. At least give them a chance.

Albert: Come on, Linc. Remember what I said about forgiveness? I know it's not easy.

[Lincoln takes a breath and this time, he gives a long pause to think about it. He thinks about actions of his parents and the implications of their actions. However, he looks at Pop-pop once last time.]

Lincoln(in his mind): He's right. The best thing to do to get over this whole dumb thing is to let it all go. I mean, I guess I did start the lie myself...

Lincoln: Alright, guys. I'm still very mad about what happened. Very mad, but... I guess it was partially my own fault too. I shouldn't have lied just to get some alone time from you guys. So... just this once...(hesitantly)I'll let it go.

[The parents give Lincoln a hug and tear up]

Rita:(crying)We're so sorry.

Lincoln (a bit bitter): Yeah yeah.

[He loses some of his anger and starts feeling better. And returns the hug to his parents.]

Albert: Now... are we all good now?

[Lincoln looks down and hesitantly says...]

Lincoln: [calmly] Sure. We’re cool.

Lynn: That’s good.

Lincoln: But please promise me to never do that again.

Lynn Sr, Rita and Lynn Jr: We promise.

[They make a group hug and Albert joins them.]

Lincoln: Well... now what?

Lynn: How about we go bac to finishing our beach trip? This time without the squirrel suit.

Lincoln: You mean it? Woohoo!

Albert: Can I come? Our pool has been contaminated by some... mysterious substance.

Rita: Sure, Dad!

Lynn Sr.: Come along!

Albert: Alright then!Let me bring my swimsuit!

Lincoln and Lynn:(under their breaths)Ew.

(Cut to the family at the beach)

Lincoln: Now this is what I call a day at the beach!

Lynn: You said it, Linc!

Lincoln: I'm glad I'm part of the family the again.

Lori: So are we little bro. Were also sorry about kicking you out too.

[Loud family apologize too]

Lincoln: I know. Can we just leave this whole luck thing behind and never speak of this again?

The family nods. And with that, The Loud Family enjoyed their time together at the beach. And promised to never make the same mistake again.]

Brawl in the Family[]

[Lincoln is feeling upset as he walks to the kitchen. He was feeling stressed, exhausted, and all sorts of other confusing emotions after the fight that broke out in the living room, but most of all, he felt disappointed.]

Lincoln:[to the viewers]Oh hey... sorry 'bout that fight my sisters had. Can I tell you guys something? You know. I'm glad my sisters are trying to resolve their conflicts on their own, but I'm not sure about it... I mean, I always thought I was the man with the plan. I thought I was the one who could resolve everyone's problems, but it looks like they don't even need me involved. It's especially worrying since when I do leave them alone, their fighting just seems to get worse. I wanna do something but...

[Suddenly, Lincoln heard a scream that gave him chills down his spine.]

Lincoln: What was that?!

[He ran to the living room, the source of the scream. He saw all of his sisters, with bruises in their bodies and shocked looks on their faces. He didn't understand why, until he saw what caused such commotion, making him absolutely horrified. It was hisyounger sister Lana,writhing on the floor, with blood coming out of her right arm. And he saw her twin Lola, with a pair of scissors in her hands, looking just as horrified as he was. He never liked watching his sisters fighting, but he never thought it would end like this.]

Lincoln:[gasps]What- I-

Lori: Don't worry I got this! Lana just-

[Lana begins crying loudly]

Lori: Lana! Lana! Just- I-

Luna: Do something!

Lori: I- I can't! Something like this has never happened! I don't know what to do!

Luna: Well, neither do I!

Luan: Someone has to do something!

Lincoln:[looks down in anger]You know what?! Forget it! I don't care if they don't want me involved! I have to do something![runs in]Stop! Everyone move back, now!

[The sisters hesitate at first, but they see Lincoln's stern expression and eventually do so worriedly]

Lana:[bleeding in pain and crying]L- Lincoln? I-

Lincoln: Shh! Shh! It's alright! You're gonna be fine! Let me see it...

[Lana, reluctantly, shows Lincoln her giant cut]

Lincoln:[gasps]Oh my god! Lana! This- This is- I-...[breathes; to Lola]I can't believe you would do this to your own twin...

[Lola drops the scissors and quivers in guilt]

Lincoln: Come on![carries Lana upstairs]We gotta hurry! Everyone stay right where you are! I'll have a word with you later!

[Just as Lincoln took her sister upstairs, everyone else stared at Lola furiously.]


Lynn: What's wrong with you?!

Leni: You big meanie!

Lucy: If Lana doesn't forgive you, I wouldn't blame her.

Lisa: You ruined the entire protocol!!!

[Everyone, sans Luna, continues to chastise Lola, who currently forms tears on her face. But suddenly, Luna speaks up.]

Luna: Dudes! Stop!

Lori: Why?! Didn't you see what-

Luna: It's not just her fault!... it's ours.

The other sisters (sans Lola): WHAT?!

[Luna goes to confort her little sister.]

Luna: It's all of our faults! We were all instigating the fight ourselves! Lola was only acting how we were!

[The sisters look down in guilt]

Lola: Lincoln was right.

Luna: What?

Lola: This whole protocol was a mistake.

[Lola breaks down crying and hugs Luna really tight.]

Lori: Let's just ditch this stupid thing before things get worse...

Leni: I think things have...[points to the parents staring at them]

Lynn Sr: W-what happened?!

Lori (hurt): Something... HORRIBLE happen to Lana.

Rita: Where is she?!

Luna: Lincoln took her upstairs. Probably to his room.

[The parents go running upstairs. Meanwhile, in Lincoln's room, Lincoln was nursing Lana's arm.]

Lincoln:[wrapping bandage around Lana]Its alright, Lana. You're gonna be okay.

Lana: Thanks Linc.

Lincoln: Listen, I know you guys said I shouldn't butt in your conflicts, but-

Lana: You were right.

Lincoln (surprised): What?

Lana (tear-eyed): You were right. This whole stupid protocol was a mistake. If we had listened to you this whole thing wouldn't have happened... and maybe Lola wouldn't... hate me.

[She breaks down crying. Lincoln hugs her tight and tries to calm her down.]

Lincoln: It's okay, Lana. I'm here.

[At that moment, the parents came to the room.]

Rita: Lincoln?! Lana?! What happened?! [gasps] Lana! Your arm!

Lynn Sr.: [screams] Oh my gosh! What happened to it?!

Lincoln: It’s alright! I took care of it. I bandaged it! It should be going away anytime soon. Lana will be fine. she just needs to cool it for a while.

Rita: Oh thank goodness! Thank you, Lincoln!

Lynn Sr.: You know, you’re really lucky to have a brother like him around. If it weren’t for him, sometimes this family wouldn’t even know what to do.

Lana: Yes[hugs Lincoln.] At least he tries to help [stares angrily at her parents] unlike others who just hide in their rooms.

[The parents raise their fingers, but pause]

Lynn Sr.:[cries]You're right! We're horrible parents![cries]

Rita:[cries]We're cowards!

Lincoln: You guys! Don’t cry! It’s my fault too.

Lynn Sr.: How?!

Lincoln: I hid with you guys. I could've done something, but I didn't.

Lana: No! It's not your fault! It's ours!

Lincoln: Regardless of who's fault it really was, I think we can agree we all learned something from this.

Rita: Well... from now on, we'll try to act more disciplining. Right honey?

Lynn Sr.: Yeah.

Lincoln: And also... I kinda started the fight.

Rita: Really?

Lincoln: I kind of said the sisters made insults to each other and-

Lynn Sr.: It doesn't matter how the fight started! What's more important is that we make sure it stops and it never happens again. Besides, I'm sure it was accident. It's not your fault.

Lincoln: Thanks, dad.

Lincoln: And I’m sorry, Lana. If had just kept my mouth shut none of this would have happened. I feel I failed you as a brother.

[Just then, Lana hugs her brother.]

Lana: You didn’t fail me, big brother. We failed you as sisters. [releases the hug] And besides, I feel that if this protocol kept going it would have happened anyways. [To her parents] I’m sorry for blaming you for our fight.

[The four of them hug it out. The rest of the sisters come and join the hug, much to the four's surprise]

Lincoln: Ah! Girls! What do you want?!

Lori: We... we wanted to talk to you guys.

[Everyone came down to the living room. Lana sat far away from Lola.]

Lori: Lincoln... The family has something to tell you.[breathes in]We would all like to make an apology to you for all of this. When we made our sister protocol, we thought we could handle our situations on our own, but then realized, that only made things worse for us. All it did was make us hold grudges against each other and hurt each other.

Lisa: Not to mention isolation.

Lincoln: B-but what about me?! I told secrets I shouldn't have told! I made you guys fight each other!

Leni: That doesn't matter! It was us who were instigating the fight to begin with!

Lisa: Yes. Even if your intromissions were getting on the sister fight protocol going according to plan... I guess we should have told you before hand so there wouldn't be any complications...we should have thought this through.

Rita: Okay... but, what about the dress?

Leni: I came up with the perfect idea. Lori gets to wear the dress on the days that end with Y, and I get the rest.

Lori (sighs): No, Leni. Maybe I should think of a better idea for it.

Leni: Forget the dress then! I just want us to be a family again!

Rita: Well, then I guess I'm gonna do what I should have done since the begining.

[Rita gets up her seat, grabs Lisa's protocol chart and tears it apart.]

Lisa: All my work for nothing.

Rita: From now on, the sister fight protocol is over forever. If you girls have a fight with each other, you have to talk about it instead of just avoiding the problem. And I'm sorry for this, but I have to punish you for this. [To Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy and Lisa] You five are grounded for two weeks for contributing to the fight, [To Lincoln] you, Lincoln, for a month for restarting everything, [To Lori and Leni] you two, for two months for starting the fight to begin with, [To Lola] and you, Lola, for three months for causing this to your twin sister.

The siblings (sans Lana and Lily): Yes, mom.

Lana (confused): B-b-but what about me?!

Rita: I think you've been punished enough, sweetie.

[Suddenly, Lola approaches Lana.]

Lola: Lana?

[Lana scoots away from Lola]

Lola: Lana! Wait! Please don't go!

Lana: Stay away from me!

Lola: Lana! Please! [Starts to form tears in her eyes.]

Lola: I'm sorry for hurting you! I don't want to hurt you![cries]

Lynn Sr. (To Lana): Honey, I think you should talk to her.

Lana:(quivers in fear)You... you're not gonna tear my arm off... will you?!

Lola: No! See![Raises her arms]No scissors! I wont hurt you! Please! Forgive me!

Lana: I dont know if I want to...


[Lana looks at her twin sister, still a bit wary. But then, she looked at her in the eyes, and saw them full of pain and regret.]

Lola (in the verge of crying): Lana (sniffs,) I don’t know what I was thinking when I did that to you... it was stupid. I-I... I never want to do that ever again. If the only way you can feel safe around the house is if I leave then... then I guess I should go...

Lana:(hesitates at first)N- No! Please!(Begins to cry)Dont go! I dont want you to leave! You're my sister!

[The Twins state at each other for a bit, and with tears in their eyes, they hug each other, in sign of forgiveness.]

Lola: I love you, Lana.

Lana: I love you too, Lola.

(The rest of the Loud Kids look at their respective roommates and hug each other as an apology)

Leni: Let's never fight like this ever again, you guys.

The Green House[]

[It starts off with Lincoln going back from school to his house, all smelly and with his clothes messed up, complaining of the day he's having, and that he has to power the houseagain.

Lincoln: Well, today was an embarrassment. First I had to power an entire house for 11 kids, and then I end up having to spend the whole class outside smelling like a sock... at least with the project over, everything will hopefully now go back to normal...

[When Lincoln comes to the house, he's greeted by his sisters.]

Lori: Hey, Linc. We need you to power up the machine again.

Lincoln (exalted): WHAT?! Why?!

Lola: We thought about the polar bear thing, and that made us want to continue going green, so... we thought you'd be kind enough to continue powering the house for us!

Leni: Go green!

Lincoln: B-but the project is already over and I-

Lori (angry): Oh, don't you try to back up. This whole thing was your idea, and because of you, we had to wear potato sacks. Now go power up the machine!

The other sisters: YEAH!!!

Lincoln: But... (sighs) okay.

[He goes to the basem*nt to start to pedal. After a few hours, Lori was talking to Bobby via web-cam.]

Bobby: So... you're really going green? That's it?

Lori: Yep!

Bobby: Cool! How are you doing that right now with wifi?

Lori: Oh! We took care of it! We're not using electricity, instead we're relying on a new source.

Bobby: What would that be?

Lori: Lincoln.

Bobby:(concerned and confused)What?

Lori: It was Lincoln's idea for the family to go green actually, so we're having him use that bike thingy to power the whole house.

Bobby: The whole house?! Isn't that dangerous for one kid?! He must be in so much pain!

Lori: Don't worry about it. He'll be fine. He's managed it before.

Bobby: Still! I don't think this is safe for him! Maybe you should try a different source of energy?

Lori: Bobby! How many times do I have to tell you? Lincoln is fine. He agreed to do it, and he can handle it just fine.

Bobby: Well... if Lincoln's okay with it I guess, but-

[The call is abruptly ended when the power goes out]

Lori: What the-

[Just as she said that, the other sisters got also affected. Leni's bath got interrupted, Luna's amps shut down, Luan'smicrowaves turned off and her pies got ruined, Lynn's ice ring melted and she fell into the water, Lucy's sprayer stopped spraying, Lana's furnace went out, Lola's car ran out of gas and Lisa's invention shut down. They all reunited in the living room.]

Lola: What's going on?! What happened to Lincoln?!

Lori:(becoming concerned)Lincoln?!

[The sisters run down to the garage and are in shock to discover Lincoln laying on the floor unconscious]

Lola: MOM!!! DAD!!!

[All the sisters went to assist their brother. When the parents came to the basem*nt, and saw their son lying in the floor unconcious, they go to help them. They take him to the living room, and put him in the sofa.]

Rita: How did this happen?!

Lori: We... we made him do this!

Lynn Sr.: What?! How?!

Luna: Well, Lincoln had this project where we had to turn down our carbon footprint or whatever, so he wanted us to green, dudes!

Lola: But then he took to the point to where we had to wear potato sacks, all the while he was playing video games with his friends down here!

Lana: I actually enjoyed that you know...

Rita: So that's what happened to our TV...

Lynn Sr.: And the fridge...

Rita: I was wondering where those went.

Lori: So then we all got mad at Lincoln and he decided he was going to use this bike-thingy... whatever it's called to power the house for us for his project, which he already completed.

Lynn Sr.: Is he crazy?! Powering an entire house for 13 of us?!

Rita: So why is he still doing it after?! Shouldn't the project be over with?!

Lori: Well... that's the thing... we were enjoying going green so much that...


[The rest of the sisters tear up]

Lori:[sadly]We were being so selfish, and we didn't even realize it!

Lucy: We were blinded!

Lola: Forcing Linky to work for all of us! What were we thinking?!

Lana: And now look what's happened! All because of us, our brother could be- could be-

Rita: Don't worry about that, Lana. Your brother is not dead.

Lynn Sr: But that doens't take out the fact that you forced you forced your brother to power the entire house on his own and made him pass out!

Lori: But-

Lynn Sr: NO BUTS! If you really want to go green, then we're gonna go green!

[After he said that, the parents stopped paying the water and electricity services, so they could really go green as a punishment to their daughters for what they did to their brother. After a week, all the Loud sisters went back to using their potato sacks, including Lincoln, whowas in his room,feeling rather down about what happened to his sisters. The sisters were talking in the living room.]

Lincoln: Welp... it's deja vu I guess... It's all my fault! I couldn't power the house for my whole family and now look what's happened... can't wait to see my sisters scold me for it...(sadly walks downstairs)


Lori: Is he still upstairs?

The other sisters (sadly): Yeah.

Lori: I guess he doesn't want to talk to us. I don't blame him though. This is all our fault.

Lana: Why did we have to be so selfish? Why did we need so much energy? Now my reptiles are dying because I couldn't take care of them properly!

Luna: I can't jam anymore!

Leni: I smell like Lily's diapers!

Lola: And my car hasn't been used in so much time that it has spider webs in it!

Lucy: He must be furious that he has to suffer through all of this... you think we should apologize?

Lynn: Uh, duh! What are we standing here for then?!

(The sisters march upstairs)

Lincoln: Oh no! Here come my sisters! They'll never forgive me now!(runs to his room)

[The sisters enter the room ,with Lincoln backing up nervously.]

Lincoln: H-hey, guys!

Lori: Lincoln-

Lincoln (panicked): I-I know that this whole thing seems bad, but I swear I didn't mean it!

Leni: Lincoln-

Lincoln: I can go power up the bike again! I can fix this, b-but please don't beat me up!

The sisters: LINCOLN!!!

Lincoln (scared): WHAT?!

Lori: We're not mad at you.

Lincoln (surprised): ... wait, you aren't?

Lori: No! We thought you'd be mad at us!

Lola: We were so wrong to force you to work for our whole family and house!

Luan: Yeah! Forcing a kid to do all of that is messed up!

Lynn: We put you through so much pain and we didn't even realize it!

Luna: What we're trying to say is... we're sorry for hurting you!

Lincoln (sighs): And I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I was being a selfish hypocrite before, and I should have been honest with you guys. It's just... my classmates and even my teacher were forcing me to do this, and I knew you wouldn't agree to help me. I was basically in a dead end situation. But I should have been upfront with you... I'm sorry.

Lori: Well, even if you're sorry, we're more sorry for torturing you.

Leni: Are you alright?

[Lincoln takes a deep breath and smiles a little.]

Lincoln: Yes, I am.

[He then hugs his sisters, who hug him in return.]

Lisa (breaking the hug): But there’s gotta be a way to go green without hurting any of us.

Lincoln: Yeah, like an alternative...

[Just then, the siblings spot Lily coming out of her room, feeling nauseous from all the diapers that have been piling on her room. This gives both Lincoln and Lisa an idea, which makes them look at each other and smile.Cut to Lisa and Lincoln using one of Lisa's generators running on Lily's fecal matter. The parents look impressed.]

Lynn Sr: Girls, I am very proud of you.

Lori: Don't be. This was Lincoln's idea!

Lisa: I can indeed confirm that.

Lincoln: Thanks guys.

\Lori: And sorry. We should have been more understanding of your situation.

Lincoln: Well, I shouldn't have manipulated you with that dumb polar bear,I should have kicked out my classmates, so I'm sorry too.

Lisa: Lincoln, about what you said about being forced to go green by your classmates and teacher, was that true?

Lincoln: Yeah. They said that I was gonna be an outcast if I made them lose the contest, and even my teacher supported them.

Lincoln: You see... the class was having this project where I had to lower my carbon footprint and if I didnt... I would fail.

Lynn Sr.: Well that's not a very fair project. And some teacher and class you have!

Lori: And those gamer kids that came into the house, they forced you to invite them?

Lincoln: Well, we were on a game tournament together, but they bargain into the house saying they were on the green zone.

Leni: And we called you selfish?! I can’t believe it! Poor Linky!

Lincoln; It’s okay. It’s really my fault for not kicking them out on time.

Lynn: When I find those classmates and teacher of yours, I’m gonna-

Lynn Sr: Wait, LJ! I think I have a better idea.

[The next day, Lincoln was in class.]

Mrs. Johnson: Well, class, now that our dear Agnes Johnson is safe, we ca-

[Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. When Mrs. Johnson went to open it, she was received by Principal Huggins, looking rather ticked off.]

Principal Huggins: Mrs. Johnson... I am not pleased with I have heard...

Mrs. Johnson: What is it?

Principal Huggins: We are being sued because of you!

Mrs. Johnson: WHAT?! I-I swear! I didn't know he was 22!

[Principal Huggins looks at her with a confused look.]

Mrs. Johnson (nervously): Uhmm, I-I mean... what's going on?

Principal Huggins: I’ve heard complaints that you were forcing your kids to do a project where they had to somehow control all of their family’s carbon footprint, despite the fact that one of your students has a total of 13 members in his family! Do you really expect a child to be capable of handling so much like that?!

Mrs. Johnson: But you see, the polar bear-

Principal Huggins: And on top of that, I heard you were supporting kids ganging up and bullying on one of your students. Is that true?

[Mrs. Johnson then realizes what she's done to her students. She was so focused on winning the contest, that she completely ignored the damage it did to one of her students. She encouraged them to gang up on Lincoln, and it made her feel she failed as a teacher.]

Mrs. Johnson: Y- Yes. I did do that... I am so sorry, class! And I want to make a special apology to you, Lincoln Loud...

[Everyone looks at Lincoln, who just smiles nervously.]

Mrs. Johnson: I feel as though I have failed as a teacher. What I did was irresponsible, childish, petty, and selfish. I shouldn’t have encouraged such negative actions at you like that.

Girl Jordan: But, Mrs. Johnson! He wanted the polar bear to die!

Lincoln: No! I didn’t! All of you just assumed I did! I just said I like polar bears. You misinterpreted what I said.

[The whole class, sans Clyde, look at each other in shock. Realizing the mistake both them and Mrs. Johnson made.]

Mrs. Johnson: Oh, Lincoln! We're so sorry! We didn't understand!

[Quickly, everyone in class becomes apologetic, making Lincoln feel a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. While he didn’t feel like he deserved this much apologies, he sure found it cathartic that he came out on top at the end.]

Lincoln: Everyone! It's fine! We all make mistakes! Please... I feel a little embarrassed right now.

Penelope: But we do mean our apologies though!

Kat: Yeah, it was so unfair of us to blame you like that!

Lincoln: I know, but-

[Suddenly, Lincoln spots the two classmates that came into his house, trying to sneak out of the classroom.]

Lincoln: Where do you think you’re going?

Billy: Uh- we have to use the bathroom!

Ricky: Yeah!

[When they were at the door, they were stopped by Lincoln's sisters, who were prettyticked off.]

Lori: Not so fast you two!

Ricky: Ah! Who are you?!

Billy:[whispers]It's Linc's sis dummy!

Lola: We're his sisters, alright. And you are the ones who were trying to sabotage him!

Ricky: We weren't tryingsabotagehim!

Billy: We just wanted to play a video game tournament! We even offered to not do it.

Ricky: So if anything... it's Lincoln's fault.

[The sisters become furious and the kids quiver fearfully]

Ricky: I- I mean-

[Mrs. Johnson, Principal Huggins and the classmates look at the two boys sternly.]

Mrs. Johnson: Billy, Rick, what is going on here?

Ricky: Uh- We... we were playing games at Lincoln's pace and ruining his project.

Billy: We didn't want to ruin our own projects and become rejects ourselves, so we... did it at Lincoln's. I guess that was kind of selfish of us.

Lynn (peeved): So youweresabotaging him!

Principal Huggins (sternly): Well, that does it. You two are getting detention for sabotaging your classmate's project.

Billy:(disappointed)Aw, dude!

Ricky: But Lincoln offered us to stay! We were going to leave but-

Billy: Oh, shut up, Ricky!

Mrs. Johnson: And you'll have to do a report on why is important to keep our planet safe.

Billy and Ricky: Yes, ma'am.

[The duo goes to the Principal's office, with sour moods. Later that day, Lincoln was at home, reflecting everything that's happened.]

Lincoln: Well, today actually ended up being okay. Everyone, including me, learned a valuable lesson, and now, we're eco-friendly. Things are looking quite up in the Loud Family.

Lisa (off-screen): Lincoln! Another load is coming!

Lincoln: If you excuse me, I gotta go. I need to refill the generator.

[He goes upstairs to take the diapers to the machine.]

In Tents Debate[]

[It was nighttime at Royal Woods, and the Loud Family came back from the Scratchy Bottom Campgrounds. Everyone had a great time... except for the sole brother of the house, Lincoln.]

Lincoln:[hurt]Oh... my body... Is it right to have everything in your body hurt after a vacation?

Lincoln: (angry) No, it’s not. [Groans] Why did I have to offer myself for this... oh right, because I use them for my benefit... even though they were hurting me just to get my vote.

[The girls are all laughing when they spot the miserable Lincoln]

Leni: Hey, Linky... did you have fun?

Lincoln: Does it look like I had fun?

Lincoln: Does spending my entire vacation having to slave over 10 girls after being purposefully hurt and tortured by said 10 girls over winning a vote sound like fun?

Lola: Well, if you had just made up your mind-

Lincoln: You wanna know why it took me so long to answer? Because if I chose one side, thne five of you guys would be mad at me, and vice versa! You know it's true right?

Lynn: (pouts) No, we wouldn’t!

Lincoln: Then why did you guys try to sabotage each other by hurting me?

Sisters: Uhh...

Lori: W-we weren’t-

Lincoln: Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about that? Or think that it’ll make me want to go to a vacation with you guys?

Sisters: Uhh...

Lincoln: Pfft. If I weren’t such a nice brother, I would’ve said I wanted to stay home, because no vacation is worth going through all that.

[He storms off to his room, not wanting anything to do with his sisters.]

Luna: Dudes... I don’t think this vacation was a good idea...

Lynn: We got so caught up in what we wanted that we forgot about Lincoln...

Leni: He didn’t even have any fun... wasn’t the point of this so we could all have fun?

Lana: I guess we wanted our choices to win so much we forgot how he feels.

Luan: And we ruined his vacation...

Lori: How are we going to make this up to him?

Lana: Maybe we could be his slaves for a day?

Lola: But wasn’t that the reason he became our slave in the first place.

Lisa: The. I have another suggestion...

[Cut to Lincoln resting on his bed, his back aching]

[Suddenly, someone knocks at the door.]

Lincoln: Who is it?

Lori: It’s us, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Go away!

Lincoln: No more massages! No more sunscreen!

Lori: We're not here for that. Just come on out.

Lincoln: (groans) Okay.

[He does so.]

[He sees the hallway is turned into a combination of a beach and an amusem*nt park]

Lincoln: Alright. What's going on now?

Lisa: Lincoln... I think we know what we can do to make it all up to you...

Lincoln: And what could that possibly be?

Lisa: (to Luna, Luan, Lynn and Lana; scared) Guys? Are you ready?

Luna, Luan, Lynn and Lana: (scared) Yeah...

[They all enter the bathroom, into the bathtub.]

Lincoln: What are you guys doing?

[Suddenly, screams come out of the bathroom.]

Lincoln: What the heck?!

[Lincoln rushes to the bathroom and sees some of his sisters screaming in the bathtub]

Lincoln: What's wrong?

[Then, he notices their skins are burned out.]

Lincoln: What happened to your skin?

Luna: We burned it...

Lincoln: WHAT FOR?!

Lisa: So we can be even.

Lincoln: WHAT?!

[Soon, he notices that all of her sisters, including Lily, look hurt, scratched, and even sick.]

Leni: After you went through so much pain for us, we thought the only way we could make it up to you was to hurt ourselves more brutally than you were hurt by us.[sneezes]

Luna: We'd thought you'd be happy to see us get hurt.[groans]

Luan: So... ta-da... ow.

Lynn: What do you think Lincoln?

Lily:[sneezes on Lola]

Lola: I deserved that.

Lincoln: ...NO!!! This isn't what I want at all!!!

Lori: But... you went through so much pain for us that-

Luan: We wanted to put ourselves through what you had to go through.

Lana: If this isn't what you wanted, then what did you want?

Lincoln: I wanted you to learn a lesson!

Lori: We did!

Lincoln: Then why did you have to do this?! I never would want any of this to happen to you!

Lynn: Even after all the trouble we put you through?

Lincoln: Yeah! You guys are my sisters! Do you expect me to want any of you to suffer the way I did? No! I don’t! I just felt pressured to make a choice! And I’m sorry for taking advantage of you, but I felt like if I chose, half of you would stop talking to me!

Lori: That's not true Lincoln!

Lynn: Yeah! If that's how you felt, you should have just told us!

Lola: Why didn't you?

Lincoln: I... I was scared.

Lori: Scared of what?

Lincoln: I... I don't know... It's just...

Lori: Lincoln... if there's anything like that you feel about us, just tell us the issue.

Lincoln: Oh, trust me. I will, for my sake... and yours.

[The siblings laugh]

The Waiting Game[]

[Lincoln and Lori come home from their respective homes. The other sisters see them and are confused.]

Luna: Uh... what's with Lori and the dress?

Luan: Yeah. What happened to your job attire? And why is Lincoln wearing it?

Lori: Oh, it’s an interesting story, right Linc?

Lincoln: Yeah. You see...


Lincoln: And now you’re caught up.

Luna: Dude. That Chandler kid sounds like a jerk.

Luan: Yeah. Taking advantage off of your kindess like that. He probably knew you'd do anything for the tickets.

Lincoln: Yeah... he was using me like I was using Lori... I can’t believe I was such an idiot to believe he was my friend.

[Just then, Lori noticed that Lincoln was starting to get misty-eyed.]

Leni: I know what that's like. I once had a friend who was like that when I was your age. She took advantage of how nice I was.

Lucy: I don't know about any of you, but I feel like finding this kid so we could teach him a lesson.

Lynn: Yeah! No blockhead hurts our bro and gets away with it.

Lincoln: What are you gonna do to him?

Lori:[sternly]Nothing bad. I hope!

Lola: But how we are going to give him a taste of his own medicine?

Luna: Say? Is his party still going on?

Lincoln: Uh... I believe it actually is... why?

[The sisters smile sinisterly at each other. Then it cuts to Chandler’s party at the sewage plantation, where everyone is having a great time.]

Boy Jordan: Sick party man!

Mollie: Yeah! So awesome!

Chandler: Thanks! I wonder where Larry and his friend went to.

Mollie: Larry? Who's Larry?

Chandler: White-haired boy.

Mollie: Oh, Lincoln? Yeah. Didn't you say you invited him at Gus'?

Chandler: Yeah. He probably can't handle the stench of the sewage.[to himself]Kind of weak if you ask me.

Chandler: Anyway, I think it’s time for the cake.

Artie: Aw yeah! Sewage cake!

Mollie: Yeah... that doesn’t sound very appetizing.

Chandler: Hey?! Where's the cake?[sees the empty table]

???: Hey there, Chandelier~

[Chandler turns around to see Lori]

Chandler: Hey! Are you that girl from Gus'?

Mollie: I think I know her. That's Lincoln's sister right?

Lori: Yes. [to Chandler] And you are the little twerp who almost ruined my prom night.

Chandler: I don't know. Am I?

Lori: Yes you were, forcing my bro to ask me to do things just so he could have a simple invitation.

Chandler: I’m sorry that kid Larry-

Lori: Lincoln!

Chandler: What?

Lori: My brother’s name is Lincoln, you idiot.

Lola and Lana:[appearing behind Lori]Yeah!

Chandler: Let me guess. You’re Larry’s sisters too?

Lola: You just can't get it through your thick skull? Can you?!

Lana: Get him!

[Lola and Lana tackle Chandler to the ground]

Lori: Wait!

Lola: What?! This isn't what you wanted?

Lori: Put him down!

[Lola and Lana do what she says.]

Chandler: W-what are you gonna do to me?

Lori:[sternly]If you want your cake back and if you want to stay away from Lola and Lana... tell everyone what happened...

Chandler: A-aren’t you making a big deal out of this?

Lori: You nearly cost me my job!

Chandler: You mean how you gave all of those things to your brother for free? Yeah, that was totally my fault.

Lola: Is that sarcasm I hear?!

Chandler: Gee. What made you think that?

Lori: Well... I suppose we should give him his cake. Right girls?

[The other sisters agree]

[Lori however throws the cake at Chandler. The other kids laugh.]

Lori: Come on, girls. Let the birthday boy enjoy his cake.

[The girls walk off]

Chandler: Agh! You'll pay for this!

[Back at the Loud House, Lincoln was reading comic books in the living room. When his sisters come in.]

Lincoln: Hey guys! Where did you go?

Lori: Oh... we just taught that Chandler a lesson.

Luan: Let's just say he was able to have his cakeand eat it too.

[The sisters laugh. Lincoln just looks confused.]

Sound of Silence[]

[Lincoln was sitting in his room crossly trying to read his comic books. Theres so much noise its loud enough to shake the entire room.]

Lincoln: [groans] Welp, this is my life now. I have to live with the constant noise for the rest of my life. Apparently Im not allowed to have any peace and quiet for even a minute. If just one if my sisters suffer, we all suffer. [Sighs] I guess I shouldnt be too dissappointed. I did bring it on myself.

[Just then, Lola enters his room.]

Lola: Hey, Linky~

Lincoln:[Lincoln is annoyed by the commotion, but he tried to put on a smile and a fake chuckle] Heh. Pretty crazy down there isnt it?

Lola: Yeah, I was actually gonna ask you something. Is it too much?

Lincoln: What do you mean?

Lola: I've been trying to get my make up on, but theres sp much noise that its shaking the whole room and I cant concentrate.

Lincoln: Oh, really? There's too much noise for you?

Lola: Yeah! I mean, would it kill for them to keep it down for just a bit?!

Lincoln: Gee. Funny hearing that from you.

Lola: What do you mean?

Lincoln: Because that's the exact same thing you reprimandedmefor?!

Lincoln: You got mad at me for wanting some peace and quiet! Whatever happened to “we all deal with the noise, so don’t get upset about it”! I mean, is it really so much formeto ask for some peace and quiet for once?!

Lola: Oh...[looks down]

Lola: Well, you should have found a better way of doing it than blocking us out!

Lincoln: Look, I'm sorry about that, but can you at the very least,at the very leastunderstand where I'm coming from?! I'm just like you right now. I just want some peace and quiet for once. Is that too much to ask, Lola?! Is it?!

[Lola put her finger up to say something, but she stopped. Even though she wanted to argue back, she knew Lincoln was right. She couldn't argue with him now.]

Lola: I-I guess... but couldn’t you have talked to us about it? We would have understood where you were coming from.

[After saying this, Lincoln’s anger banished. After this revelation, he felt stupid for trying to block his sisters off.]

Lincoln: Yeah... you're right... I think we both need to learn lesson today.

Lola: Yeah... I’m sorry for all that’s happened to you... and the explosion Lisa made.

Lincoln: That wasnt your fault really. Now let's get down there and tell our sisters to quiet down.

Lola: But what if they call me out? To them I’m gonna be a hypocrite if I complain about the noise.

Lincoln: Well, that’s just something you’ll have to admit to.

Lola: (sigh) You're right. I brought this on myself, so I should be the one to deal with it.

Lincoln: And besides, they went along with your plan. What can they say to you?

[It cuts to the living room where all the sisters chastise Lola for her hypocrisy.]

Lincoln: Me and my big mouth.

Lola: Hey! You went along with me and my plan! Don’t think you’re not as much in the wrong as I am!

Lori: No, we weren't. We were just trying to teach him a lesson.

Lincoln: A lesson about what? That I can’t ask for quietness?!

Lori: If that was what we meant by our prank, then we would have said exactly that, but we didn’t. You could’ve just asked us to leave you alone instead of shutting us out like that. What if there was an emergency and you weren’t there because of those earbuds?

Lincoln: Yeah, because not having a footstool is totally an emergency.

Lori: Well, you would have known I asked that had you not had those earbuds to begin with.

[Lincoln groans in defeat. He couldn't argue back now.]

Luan: Yeah! Anyways, that's not the point! The point is that Lola is being a total hypocrite! You went from saying we should all deal with a loud family together and now you're expecting some kind of first class treatment?!

Lola: Look! I know it's hypocritical to ask for some quietnow! You're right! I don't have an excuse, but-

Lincoln:[frustratedly]Haven't any of you ever wanted some peace and quiet for yourself?!

Lori: Duh. Of course we do! But we're family! We all have to deal with the noise.

Lincoln: So that's it?! You just give up like that?! That makes no sense! Everyone wants some peace and quiet for themselves every now and then, and I don't think "we all have to deal with it so you should too" is exactly an excuse to refuse someone's request for some silence!

Luna: Well, what did you expect? This is theLoudHouse, not the Quiet House.

Luan: (giggles) Good one, sis!

Lola: So? You're not gonna quiet down?

Lynn: Why should we? We don’t need quietness to have time for ourselves.

Lincoln: But some of usdo, and the least you can do is respect those who do.

Lori: Oh please. Mom and Dad live under much more stress than you do, and you don’t see them trying to get away from us for some free time.

Lincoln: Well then maybe we should! Right Lola?

Lola: Yeah! I can't live like this anymore!

Lori: What? Are you gonna run away?

Lincoln and Lola: EXACTLY!!!

Lincoln: Let's go![Lola and Lincoln storm off outside the door]

Lana: They can’t be serious... can they?

Lori: Oh please. They’ll be back here like in 5 minutes.

5 minutes later...


Lana: I think theydidrun away!

Leni: LINKY! LOLA! [breaks down crying]

Lisa: Geez, overdramatic much?

Lori: Look! I'll go out there and find them. Chances are they're just waiting at the backyard or something.

Lana: But what if they’re really gone? All because we couldn’t give them a moment of peace.

Lori:[looks out door and sees Lola and Lincoln aren't there. She grows worried.]Uh... they're not in the front lawn...[checks back door]Or the backyard! Oh no... you don't think they-... oh no!

Luna: They really did run away!

Rita: Who did what now?!

Lynn Sr.: Who ran away?!

Lori: Uh... Lincoln and Lola.

Rita and Lynn Sr.: WHAT?!

Lynn Sr.: Why?!

Lori: Well, it's cause they wanted some peace and quiet for once, and we didn't listen to them, so they said they wouldn't stay here if they couldn't have some quietness here.

Lynn: Yeah, but the hypocrite of Lola was the one who wanted to teach Lincoln a lesson about living with the noise!

Leni: But... she did admit to being a hypocrite.

Rita: So you kids didnt listen to your own siblings and forced them to run off...

Luan: Lincoln was ignoring us with some earbuds he bought!

Rita: And why do think he did that?

The sisters: Huh?

Rita: Why do you think Lincoln ever felt the need to buy himself earbuds in the first place?

[The sisters pauses and look down]

Lynn Sr.: Well? Are you gonna answer your mother?

Lori: I... I guess he was just so desperate for some peace time he had to buy earbuds to block off the sound...

Lynn Sr.: Probably!

Luan: We didn’t mean for him to run away! It was just that we all deal with a noisy family, so why should he have to get some special treatment or something?!

Rita: Giving someone peace isn’t special treatment! It’s a favor!

Lori: W-we didn't think of it that way-

Luna: Dude. I feel so selfish.

Lucy: How could we let this happen?

Lynn Sr.: Yeah. But its alittletoo late for that. Dont you think?

Leni: NO!!! We can fix this! Right guys?!

[The others agree.]

Rita: Well, in that case, we have something to say to you.

Lori: I know. Were grounded. We deserve it!

Lynn Sr.: Actually. It's more like...

[Lincoln and Lola come out of their parents room.]

Rita, Lynn Sr., Lincoln and Lola: GOTCHA!

The others: WAAAAAH?!

Lori: You mean to tell me-?

Lincoln: This was a prank this whole time! Now who feels like a fool?

Luan: I really gotta hand it to you guys. You gave us a taste of our own medicine.

Lola: We sure did!

Lori: Hey. We're really sorry about not giving you guys peace and quiet. But from now on, we'll listen.

Lincoln: And I’m sorry for ignoring you. I should have just asked instead of buying those earbuds.

Lola: Nowthatis all settle out, can you keep it down while I put on my make-up?

[The sisters think for a second, and accept.]

Lisa: Well, now that everything is said and done, I’ll head to my-

Lynn Sr.: Sto right there, missy.

Lisa: What?

[The family stares at Lisa]

Lisa: (sighs in defeat) Okay, I’m sorry for making you all deaf. But in my defense, Lincoln promised to assist me and he ditched me because of his earbuds!

Lincoln: True...

Lola: But couldn’t you just have waited for him instead of starting without him?

Lisa: That... would've been the logical idea.

[The family laugh]

Rita: And don’t worry, none of you are grounded.

Lana: Thats good.

Lynn Sr.: But if youre not going to be grounded, I expect this house to be a lot more quiet. Some of us have things to do that require silence.

The sisters: We promise.

Lincoln: And I'm sorry for ignoring you like I did. I should have been more upfront with you.

Lori: That’s okay Lincoln.

(Later, Lincoln is reading his comic books. This time peacefully. Lola is also putting on her makeup peacefully.)

Lincoln: (sighs in satisfaction) Finally. Peace and quiet.

The Loud House Episode Epilogues (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.